
We Remain (1) - Bucky x OC

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Elise entered the lab and lifted an eyebrow at the sight of the scientist sitting in front of his microscope. 'Dr. Erskine habe ich ihnen nicht gesagt nicht die ganze Nacht im Labor zu bleiben? (Erskine haven’t I told you not to stay in the lab the whole night?)'

He smiled and looked up to her. Dr. Erskine was like a father to her, since her family was killed. Elise assisted him with his studies. As the sole female engineer in whole Germany, her way hadn't been easy. She studied at the Stuttgart University and made her bachelor with 18. All men tried to hold her talent low and make her fit in the role of a proper housewife. But she wasn't like that. A year after her degree she met Erskine and followed him to Augsburg to work for him.

'Guten Morgen Elise. Ausgeschlafen wie immer. Und wie war ihr freier Tag? Jemanden gefunden? (Good morning Elise. Well-rested like always. How was your day off? Found someone?) She looked at him and made a grimace.

He knew exactly that she would never be able to find someone. Since Hitler forbid gingers to marry, the men forgot their manners towards her and saw her as a possible one-night-stand. With her fiery red hair, her tall figure and her dark blue eyes she was surely pretty but not came up to the ideal Arian beauty. As Erskine she didn't approve with the ideals of the Nazis but there was little she could do then avoiding bars.

'Nein ich habe niemanden kennengelernt. (No I haven't met anyone.)' She said. 'Mir war langweilig also hab ich Zuhause gearbeitet. (I was bored so I worked at home.)'

He looked at her and shook his head.
'Aber Elise meine liebe du sollst dich doch amüsieren ich glaube du weißt gar nicht mehr wie das geht. (But Elise my dear you should enjoy yourself I think you don't know how that is don't)'

She walked over to her desk, pulled her documents out of her bag and arranged them in her own little system on the desk top. The newest and hottest files and documents were placed next to her lamp on the right the older and uninteresting files had their place on the left at the edge of the table. She sat down and made herself comfortable as someone knocked on the door. They exchanched looks before Erskine answered
'Herein. (In)' he called accented friendly. From his desk facing the door Erskine was able to see the visitor first. From her seat at the left wall facing the window the visitor didn't notice Elise at first. The visitor wore a uniform and did the Hitler great.

'Dr. Abraham Erskine? Mein Name ist Feldwebel Maximilian Steiner ich habe Auftrag sie zu ihrem Haus zu begleiten. (Dr. Erskine? My name is Sergeant Maximilian Steiner I have the instruction to accompany you to your home.)' Erskine nodded and smiled friendly at him but did not bother to move in any other way.

'Ich fühle mich sehr geschmeichelt Herr Steiner aber dennoch muss ich fragen wer ihnen diesen Auftrag gegeben hat. Ich bin ein viel beschäftigter Mann und kann nicht mit jedem einfach mitgehen nur weil er sagt er hätte einen Auftrag. (I feel much honored Mister Steiner but I have to ask you how gave you this instruction. I am a very busy man and I cannot go with everyone who says that he has an instruction.)'

The Sergeant shrugged a little. He might wasn't used to people who didn't obey what he said.

'Es war ein Befehl von Johann Schmidt Herr Dr. Erskine und ich muss sie jetzt bitten mit mir zu kommen. (It was an order from Johann Schmidt Doctor Erskine and I have to ask you to come with me.)' 

The smile froze on the doctors’ face and he stared at the soldier. Then he rushed from his chair and packed his things in hurry.

'Elise meine Liebe es sieht so aus als hättest  du heute einen weiteren freien Tag. Bitte nimm dir auch morgen frei, ach was sage ich bleib doch einfach die ganze Woche Zuhause. (Elise my dear it looks like you have today another day-off. Please also take tomorrow off, oh what do I say just stay home for the whole week.)'

The soldier turned towards her. 'Sind sie Elise Margarete Schröter?
Tochter von Wilhelm und Rose Schröter? (Are you Elise Margarete Schroeter? Daughter of Wilhelm and Rose Schroeter?)'

Elise looked to her tutor. Erskine looked at her apologies in his eyes.

'Ja die bin ich.
Kann ich ihnen helfen Herr Feldwebel. (Yes I am her. Is there any way I can help you Sergeant?)' The soldier scanned her from foot to top. 'Es tut mir leid Fräulein Schröter aber ich muss sie bitten mich ebenfalls zu begleiten. (I am sorry Miss Schroeter but I have to ask you to come with me as well.)'

The soldier said avoiding her eyes. It wasn't rare that people, especially men, were scared of her because of her hair color or her height. After her degree, the boys of her class who didn't get their title tracked her, all the way and called her a bloody witch or worse.
Erskine positioned himself in front of her.

'Sie hat nichts mit meinen Studien zu tun. Sie kommt nicht mit. (She has nothing to do with my studies. She does not come with us.)'

Elise sat on her chair and did not know what to do.

'Es tut mir leid Herr Dr. aber ich muss sie beide mitnehmen wenn sie nicht kooperieren werde ich sie zwingen müssen. (My apologies doctor but I have to take you both with me, if you don't cooperate I have to force you.)'

The soldier got angry. Erskine did not move.

'Sie wird nicht mitkommen. Sie hat nichts mit dem Serum zutun! (She's not coming with us. She has nothing to do with the serum!)'

The soldier hit Erskine with the bare Fist  in the face. The doctor fell on the floor and Elise ran to him.

'Dr. Erskine!' She yelled. His nose was bleeding badly and she could see that it was probably broken.

'Sie haben zehn Minuten um ihre Sachen zu packen neh
men sie das wichtigste mit. Ich warte vor der Tür. (You have ten minutes to pack your things take the most important with you. I'll be waiting outside.)' Said the soldier and left them alone.

Elise grabbed her bag and pulled a handkerchief out of it. She sat down in front of Abraham and holded it upon his nose to stop the blood.

'Geht es ihnen gut? Tut es sehr weh? Es tut mir so leid Doktor. (Are you alright? Does it hurt much? I am so sorry Doctor.)' The doctor shook his head and grinned 'Ach Elise meine Liebe dich trifft doch keine Schuld und eine gebrochene Nase ist doch nicht so schlimm. (But Elise my dear there is no need to blame yourself. A broken Nose isn't that bad.)'

He pointed at his desk.
'Elise würdest du bitte die Akten die im zweiten Boden in der obersten Schublade sind holen. (Elise would you please take the files out of the second base plate of the top drawer.)' She did what he said. 'Wunderbar jetzt  könntest du sie in meine Tasche tun, in dem inneren Fach ist ein verstecktes bitte tu sie da rein. (Wonderful, now put them in my bag in the inner case is a hidden one please put them in there.)'

She did as he told without questions. She knew that he had worked on ethical disputable projects. He stood up and grabbed their coats. She shoved her things from the desk into her bag. He helped her taking on the coat and then rushed to the window.

He was looking for a way to flee but their office was on the third floor.'Doktor bitte es geht nicht anders wir müssen mitkommen. (Doctor please there is no other way we have to go with them.)' She said and a tear rolled down her cheek.

She was scared of what they would do with her when she would refuse to do what they wanted.  Dr. Erkin had told her that she had to refuse to work for them, that the war was near and they would change everything into a weapon.
'Elise wir werden daraus kommen wir müssen nur Geduld haben und stark bleiben. (Elise we will get out of there we just have to have patience and stay strong.)'

The soldier came in again. 'Ihre Zeit ist vorüber, folgen sie mir bitte. (Your time is over, please follow me.)'

This is my first Fanfiction so please forgive me when there are mistakes in the language or else.
At first I wanted to write a Bucky Barnes x Reader Fanfiction but it turned more to an OC story and i wanted to make Elise an own Character like Black Widow for example not only a love interest for Bucky.

Also Bucky won't appear in the first parts.
© 2014 - 2024 Justforarose
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kisala10's avatar
... Ehrliche Meinung: Das ist verdammt nervig mit der Übersetzung XD
Es wäre besser, wenn du den ganzen Part auf Deutsch einfach
machst und dann schreibst du das ganze auch noch auf
Englisch und postest das, also hast du dann 2x die Story XD